When checking out with Shop Pay, you now have the option to pay now or later. Paying in installments on Shop Pay allows you to split your purchase amount into 4 equal, biweekly installment payments—with 0% interest, no hidden or late fees, and no impact on your credit score.* In some instances, your first payment is due when you make your purchase; otherwise, your first payment is due 2 weeks after your purchase.
The installments option on Shop Pay is available on debit and credit cards.
Shop Pay Installments is only available to customers with a US billing address within the US and a US mobile phone number. Customers with international billing addresses will not be able to set up an account with Shop Pay Installments.
No, there are no late fees if you miss a scheduled payment.
For questions about installment payments on Shop Pay, visit https://shoppay.affirm.com/us/s/.
For questions about Shop Pay or the Shop App, visit shop.app/help/shop-pay.
Payment options are offered by Affirm and are subject to eligibility check and may not be available in all states. California residents: Affirm loan services, LLC is licensed by the Department of Business Oversight. Loans are made or arranged pursuant to California Financing Law license 60DBO-111681.