missy renee



  Have you ever done something you regret? Have you ever done anything embarrassing that you wish you could change, or suffered an accident you want to go back and avoid? What if I told you it was possible, that you could manifest your future by changing your past? One paragraph in and you likely think […]

How to Manifest by Changing Your Past

Ah, love. Amor. Liebe. L’amor. Hands down, I have more people approach me about this subject than any other. I get countless inquires about manifesting love, and most of those are about manifesting a specific person. In fact, I’d wager that a lot of people stumble into manifesting and learning about the Law from this topic alone! […]

Yes, You Can Manifest A Specific Person

Manifest a Specific Person

Did you know that your imagination creates your reality? Are you interested in learning how to deliberately manifest the life you’ve always dreamed of? I figured I’d dedicate this post to a fun exercise you can put to the test for those who are new to manifesting, or those who are skeptical of these philosophies. […]

How Your Imagination Creates Your Reality

  I remember when I first began studying and testing the Law, I wanted to test the concept of Everyone Is You Pushed Out. Since reading about this astonishing philosophy, I decided that for one day I would get everyone I came into contact and spoke with to say something that I was thinking out […]

Everyone Is You Pushed Out – Explained