missy renee



I can recall a memory from many years ago when I was taking some time on a rainy afternoon to just be still and reflect on the changes I’ve made since beginning my journey. I felt a wave of gratitude wash over me as I pondered on how much I’ve evolved since I committed to […]

On Backlash and Resistance when Manifesting

Resistance When Manifesting

In an article dated Summer of 1953, Neville wrote on what he called the “Fundamentals” for those who sought a true understanding of metaphysics and his philosophies. In this article, Neville claimed there were three fundamental steps in this process of becoming a conscious creator. The first step being what he called “Self-Observation,” or an […]

On Limiting Beliefs and How to Change Them

  Have you ever done something you regret? Have you ever done anything embarrassing that you wish you could change, or suffered an accident you want to go back and avoid? What if I told you it was possible, that you could manifest your future by changing your past? One paragraph in and you likely think […]

How to Manifest by Changing Your Past